GCM-140-1 Acids test standard 45.00 CHF
GCM-150-1 Semi-volatiles GC/MS tuning standard 65.00 CHF
GCM-151-1 Semi-Volitiles GC/MS Calibration +Tuning 42.00 CHF
GCM-152-1 GC/MS calibration and tuning standard 42.00 CHF
GCM-153-1 Semi-volatiles GC/MS tuning 65.00 CHF
GCM-154-1 Semi-volatiles GC/MS tuning standard 97.00 CHF
GCM-155-1 GC/MS calibration and tuning standard 42.00 CHF
GCM-160A-1 GC/MS performance check 62.00 CHF
GCS-110-1 Benzidine 50.00 CHF
GCS-120-1 Pentachlorophenol 45.00 CHF
GCS-122-1 Pentachlorophenol 42.00 CHF
GCS-200 Perfluorotributylamine (FC-43) 147.00 CHF
GMT-2GC-HP Trap, Glass H20, 13 X /4A, 1/8inch, 70cc Call for price!
GT230-20004 Tool,Alignment,Pipettor,Encore Call for price!
GT430-20358 Electrode Spacing Tool Call for price!
GT430-20394 Autofocus Gapping Tool Call for price!
GT430-20470 Nebulizer Adjustment Fixture 287.00 CHF
GT430-60126 Tool, Tilt Plate Call for price!
GT430-60128 Tool, Light Box Call for price!
GT430-60137 ND Filter Tool Call for price!
GT430-60138 Alignment Camera Adapter Ring Tool Call for price!
GT430-60144 Optical Alignment Camera Assembly Call for price!
HAH-900-10MG Benzo(A)pyrene-d12 197.00 CHF
HAP-100-1 Methanol standard 50.00 CHF
HAP-110-1 HAP standard 85.00 CHF
HARRICK-KBR-100 KBR powder, 100 grams, 1/pk 300.00 CHF
HARRICK-WPD-U25 WINDOW KBR 25X2MM Call for price!
HB-100-1 2,4-D standard 25.00 CHF
HB-101-1 2,4-D methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-110-1 Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 23.00 CHF
HB-111-1 Silvex methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-120-1 2,4,5-T standard 25.00 CHF
HB-130-1 Dinoseb 23.00 CHF
HB-131-1 Dinoseb methyl ether 25.00 CHF
HB-140-1 Dalapon 33.00 CHF
HB-141-1 Dalapon methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-150-1 2,4-DB standard 25.00 CHF
HB-151-1 2,4-DB methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-160-1 Dicamba 25.00 CHF
HB-161-1 Dicamba methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-170-1 Dichlorprop 25.00 CHF
HB-181-1 MCPA methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HB-190-1 MCPB standard 25.00 CHF
HB-191-1 MCPP methyl ester 25.00 CHF
HBM-405-1 Chlorinated herbicides standard 75.00 CHF
HBM-415-1 Chlorinated herbicides standard 166.00 CHF
HBM-505-1 Herbicides 99.00 CHF
HBM-510M-1 Methylated chlorinated herbicides 92.00 CHF
HBM-513-1 MCPA/ MCPP standard 50.00 CHF
HBM-5154A-1 SDWA herbicides standard 98.00 CHF